Texas RRC Drilling Permits Back to Blog

Feb 10


  • Created: Mon 7th Jan 2013
  • Erin

Last Friday, during a meeting with Wellreports.com and representatives of the Texas Railroad Commission, it was learned that there are no current plans of the RRC to require GPS locations on the front page of their Applications to Drill, Form W-1.  Although some operators submit drill site plats with GPS surface hole and bottom home locations, it is not presently a requirement to do so.  Wellreports.com recommended the RRC consider adding this information as many of our subscribers have requested it. In addition, we re-confirmed that the RRC no longer requires the re-filing of an operator’s existing W-1 when re-entering a well for uphole plug-backs or recompletions.  Deepening of wells, however, will still require an amended W-1. Finally, we noted that some operators are actually drilling much deeper footage than their filed and approved drilling permits.  Since these operators will ultimately be required to file a completion report for these wells, the RRC staff is in a position to watch for repetitious drilling deeper than approved.

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