“It’s the Lease that gets the Grease.” Back to Blog

Apr 16


  • Created: Mon 7th Jan 2013
  • Erin

A previous client of our firm had a saying. “It’s the Lease that gets the Grease.” That appears to be the case for the forthcoming drilling play of the Cline Shale. Leasing activity has been on the rise in several anticipated productive counties, including Howard, Glasscock, Sterling, Coke, Mitchell, Nolan, Scurry and Fisher. Subscribers to our website can watch for all Cline Shale drilling permits (W-1) issued by the Texas Railroad Commission. We publish each RRC approved W-1 the day after approval by the Commission. Subscribers may also search for all previously published Cline Shale drilling permits through our easy to use search function. Using our website service (http://www.wellreports.com/) provides a more cost effective means of staying informed of drilling permits for specific geologic formations that may cross several counties. If using the internet is not your bag, then we will be happy to sign you up for the individual emailed or faxed reports by region. In the case of the Cline Shale which covers at least 8 known counties, our West Texas and North Texas drilling permit reports would be required. The Cline Shale is likely to be the next largest shale play in the United States. Producers have known about the Cline for many years, but only recent technological drilling and completion improvements have made the play more likely to provide economic incentive. Some estimate up to 30 billion barrels of recoverable oil may be available. At present, 14 rigs are on Cline wellsites. If initial results are anything close to expected, this number may increase ten fold. Don’t be left out of the formation play because you didn’t know how to keep up with the activity; subscribe today at http://www.wellreports.com/

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