Clean Out Your Dryer Vents Back to Blog

Oct 08


  • Created: Mon 7th Jan 2013
  • Erin

We have often heard about home clothes dryers catching fire due to clogged lent traps. Studies have also been made of the significant energy usage of clogged dryers. So, we have diligently cleaned out the small lint trap on the inside of our dryer on a regular basis.

We recently noticed that drying our clothes, especially bath towels, was requiring a much longer time. In addition, we have notice a significant amount of heat rushing out of the dryer upon opening of the dryer door. Just on a lark, we pulled the dryer out from the utility room wall and disconnected the vent hose, whereupon, we found much to our surprise, a hand full of grey matter lint in the back vent tube of the dryer itself, a similar amount of lint in the vent hose to the wall, and almost a pail full of lint in the dryer vent line in the wall of our home which had to be extracted with a wire clothes hanger! This all apparently has occurred during the 8 years of the use of this appliance. The cleanout has resulted in a return to normal dryer operations.

Why are we blogging about home maintenance on this site? Those of us at are all about energy discovery, production AND conservation.

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